Friday, January 28, 2011

Another Rough Day...

Today was another rough day.  I truly don't remember much of it.  I do remember hiding behind a 3 hr nap.  It didn't make me feel any better, nor any more rested.  I remain feeling SO deeply empty inside and more exhausted than I have ever been.  I remain not sleeping well, stuck in the sleep a couple of hours, awake a couple of hours, then back to sleep again for a couple, then awake at my usual early time.
   After cooking dinner for my family this evening, I am finding myself angry and frustrated.  Since losing my Mother, I have had little help at home.  For one reason or another, no one seems to have time to actually help ME out, yes ME, I'm talking about MEI'm the one who cooks, cleans, does the laundry, shopping, making sure EVERYONE else has what THEY need, etc.  My Mom would have been here helping me.  Helping me so that I could grieve and not have to continue caring for everyone, but actually some time to just grieve.  It breaks my heart and makes me feel unloved, uncared for.  Its real easy for people to say, oh, let me know if you need any help.  Seriously, I don't even know WHAT I need now, or even who I am at this point, for that has all changed.  But doesn't common sense tell a person that when someone is grieving that they could probably use some help around the house?  Thanks for listening...


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