Saturday, May 7, 2011

Who Left That on my Bed?

While shopping for what to wear at Ashlie's funeral services, my sister-in-law bought me a beautiful cross necklace.  I had forgotten to take it off on the Sunday that we moved, after church.  As I was working, moving our belongings and knowing that I shouldn't do it, I stuck it in my husband's shirt pocket.  That was the last that I saw of it and he hadn't seen it either.  This left me brokenhearted... devastated.  Well, a few nights ago, I had gone to bed.  My husband was still awake downstairs.  A bit later, I had gotten up to use the restroom, my husband was still downstairs.  When I came back to bed, there laid the necklace!  My precious cross necklace... safe and sound.  Needless to say, I was ELATED! 
Hmm...  wonder who left it there...

On another note... this will be a rough Mother's Day this year.  But I did just get to have lunch with my oldest son.  It was fabulous!!  Happy Mother's Day everyone!!  I hope you have a blessed day!!


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