Sunday, May 29, 2011

Angelic Encounter?? Memorial Day

Well... I think the angels were at it again.  My 2 year-old granddaughter, "E", wanted to call her MiMi, me.  Here is our phone conversation:
E:  "MiMi, where's Ashie (her word for Ashlie)?"
MiMi: "She's in Heaven."
E: "No, MiMi" and a pause... "Momma, where's Ashie?"
Momma says: "She's in Heaven, honey."
E: "No Momma... she's in..." and she named a town.  This town was recently devastated by a tornado.  Ashlie and E were both born in this town, at the same hospital.  Although, E now lives on the East coast where her Daddy serves our country in the Navy.  This same town is also where Ashlie had the horrible car wreck that caused her disabilities.  After our conversation, I was left pondering this thought... was Ashlie one of the many angels sent to this town to watch over people or perhaps she even accompanied them on their journey to Heaven.  Was this yet another one of God's plans for Ashlie...?
This is Memorial Day weekend.  We visited Ashlie's gravesite yesterday.  It was so hard.  It just doesn't seem fair.  I shouldn't be putting an angel statue and flowers on her grave.  Why my child?


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