Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Angels Among Us?

My granddaughter was visiting this past week, she was very close to Ashlie.  My daughter, granddaughter, and I were in a store that I had frequented before Ashlie passed away and had purchased her something for her room.  As we stood in line waiting to pay for our items, my granddaughter, "E", said "MiMi, Ashee (her word for Ashlie) wave at you."  Just a bit later E says "Ashee kiss you on the cheek MiMi."  Miraculously, I had felt a slight "brush" against my cheek.  I wouldn't have thought anything of it if E hadn't said that to me.  My granddaughter is only two year old.
The reality of Ashlie's death continues to "soak" in.  I still find myself doubting the reality of her being gone.


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