Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Well, I went to my "possible" new employers yesterday.  They had asked me to come in and go observe an admission and see if I would like doing them.  All went well... and yes, I do think I would like doing them.  It would be quite a change from what I am used to doing, though.  I would only have the initial admission contact with my patients and their families and that would be it.  I do feel though, that at this time in my life, it would be a better career path.  They are not "doing anything until April" though, as they "missed" the March training session.  Ugghh... I HATE waiting!
Other than job change and moving, things have been going okay I guess.  I know that I am still in a semi-state of shock over Ashlie's loss.  I still do not quite rest well, its hard to explain but I just wake up so frequently and sleep so lightly.  But I can tell you for sure that I am SO tired of being so tired.  My mind also continues to "play games with me."  I'm ashamed to admit this, but it is simply the truth.  I find myself, on occassion, feeling as if I never even knew Ashlie.  I know that it makes no sense, and some may think "how can you say that about your own daughter?"  The analytical self in me wonders if it is a defense mechanism?  some protective mechanism?  I don't know what it is... but it is frustrating and embarassing none-the-less. 


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