Sunday, February 13, 2011

Just Another Day In...

I certainly can't say its "Just Another Day in Paradise" because it wasn't.  Unfortunately, I couldn't even really hear or enjoy the sermon in church today.  There are just so many things running through my mind that I can't even concentrate, it doesn't help that I didn't get much sleep last night.  All these random thoughts just continuously run through my head... nothing in particular really, just a jumbled mess.  Yet again, I don't have any hours for my patient.  Evidently the state hasn't approved them yet.  Of course, I don't really know what's going on, my employer hasn't bothered to call me and let me know.  Also, I have also stated three different times that I NEED hours!  They were supposedly going to "find" me some.  How frustrating!  Its just such horrible timing. 
Last nite and today I delivered my Valentine deliveries.  My youngest sister-in-law had us over for dinner.  I am not able to mail lollipop bouquets, so I was only able to share them with the one's that live close by.  I would have LOVED to have made them for my grandbabies, but there is just NO way to mail them and keep them intact.  Valentine's Day will be hard without Ashlie, but I will just have to try hard to focus on what I do have for I know that I am quite blessed.
I'm SO angry at myself.  It was absolutely beautiful outside today.  We have been SO cold here lately and have had quite a bit of snow.  There is a beautiful walking trail nearby and I wanted to go walking on it so badly.  But I just couldn't bring myself to do it.  I enjoyed taking Ashlie on it.  She has always loved the wind in her hair.  I would put a visor on her to keep the sun out of her eyes and off we would go.  I know she would want me to go enjoy the trail again.  But I just didn't have the strength to tackle it today.  There will be another nice day... soon I hope.


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