Monday, December 19, 2011

Are You Kidding Me??!!

What a terribly painful day yesterday.  Started off my day picking out a Christmas tree and its decorations for my daughter's grave... not a painfree, easy thing to do.  Next, I attended my young niece's birthday party... another extremely hard thing to do as I can no longer enjoy my own daughter's birthdays.  As if that wasn't enough pain for the day, one of my family member's says something completely unnecessary and uncalled for.  Seriously?  What is it that makes people feel as if they have the right to say whatever they want to someone and then to top it all off, be upset that a person reacts when you say tacky things to them!  Seriously?  Do you think you have the right to be rude, expect someone to not respond to your tacky comment, then play the wounded bird?  Seriously???!!!  I will never understand... never, ever, ever.  Where is God in your life?  He gives you peace in your heart.  I know I prayed and will continue to pray for myself and others... and yes... even for you... as I often do.  Love and miss you my sweet Ash...


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