Thursday, August 11, 2011

My Li'l Darlin'

My Darling Angel,
     Your Momma misses you!  I miss your smile when you woke-up in the morning.  I miss wrapping those curls around my finger.  I took those small things for granted.  I thought they would be there for many more years.  What do you think of heaven?  We had such a beautiful day the other day, the sunshine was amazing.  I couldn't help but think of what you see in heaven.  We have such a beautiful earth...  colorful flowers, green grass, snow-capped mountains.  How glorious it must be for you!  You keep on running and playing up there... with those curls bounce, bounce, bouncing in the wind.  I would love to hear you giggle as you run among the flowers, watch your face as you stop to pet the bunny, gaze as the sunshine bounces off of your hair.  You are so very loved... and so dearly missed.  Momma struggles with what she should do in your honor.  I had made such big plans, and had began the process of raising money so that we could put a wheelchair lift in "Betty", the van.  Just thinking about the crafts that I was making and selling for your lift makes me sick to my stomach now.  I want to get started making crafts again, but I SO much associate making them with my precious girl.  My emotions are torn as to what I should do.  Yet another decision God will have to help me with.  But first, I must put it in His hands.
     My heart also aches for my cousin.  He recently lost a child while serving in the military, fighting for our freedom.  God be with them.  We know his son is in heaven... heaven has received yet another guardian angel.


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