Thursday, November 24, 2011


Today I'm supposed to be thankful.  Well, I'm not feeling very thankful this morning.  Many of the most precious people in my life aren't with me today.  For the past several years, I have travelled to where my son-in-law was stationed to make my daughter's family a thanksgiving dinner.  Unfortunately, I can't afford to go this year :(  (they are in Florida.)  My oldest son is working today and then will be with his Dad's family :(  My parents have passed.  My Mom's birthday falls at Thanksgiving.  I've missed her terribly these past few weeks.  I would give anything to walk into their house and feel the love and acceptance I always felt from my parents.  I miss knowing that they loved me... no matter what.  I miss my Mom asking each and every one of us what we wanted for Thanksgiving dinner... and her making each person's favorite.  I miss her frantically running around trying to get everything just right.  She wanted everyone to be happy.  I miss my Dad's strength, he had such wisdom to offer.  Then there's my littlest angel.  I've missed her so much this month.  I remember when she first came to live with us, we had a Thanksgiving dinner to celebrate!  Another of her nurses joined us.  We were so thankful to have yet another addition to our family.  Now we are going into the holidays without her.  So I have the bah-humbugs today.  Guess that tells me I need to do some praying.  I haven't even been doing that much lately.


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